ceo, executive chef
I began my culinary journey at Colorado State University and soon after receiving my degree, I continued on to Paris, France to study culinary arts at Le Cordon Bleu.
Upon my return, I spent the next several years working for corporate restaurant brands until I could ignore my passions no longer!
It started as a labor of love... I would make cakes for family and friends whenever they had special events come up and before I knew it, my side hustle was a real business.
No matter how my brand evolves over the years, one thing remains the same. This will always be a labor of love for me.
Creating amazing cakes from the ground up truly invigorates me. When I listen to a client's story and vision for their special project or event, I am inspired by their ideas. This inspiration is the driving force for me and my team to create something they could have never imagined, but always wanted. What's more exciting than that?
